Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Music Wednesdays

Now I wont normally post live performances when I'm giving an example of a band, but it's a must with the John Butler Trio. These guys perform so well together that I would almost be doing you a disservice if I posted one of their music videos.

The John Butler Trio isn't an unknown band by any means, they're one of the biggest bands in Australia, drawing huge crowds whereever they go. Yet, for some reason, they can't take off in America. They have a very easy-going, psychedelic rock sound that probably wouldn't translate to much radio play, but to be so unknown really shocks me. It's almost a purely guitar driven band, with the drums only providing a very simple beat and the bass strickly (yet loudly) following the guitar. Regardless, John Butler is easily one of the best guitarists in the world and both his rhythm and his riffs are just mindblowing. Oh man, especially the riffs. He hooks his twelve string acoustic up to every effects pedal imaginable... the sounds he can make with a wah and a slide could make even the best jam band guitarists blush. Please give this guy a listen!

John Butler also has just incredible solo stuff, worth a look in itself. It's a little quiet, so there is another video of the same thing if your speakers wont go up that high (cause this song is meant to be played as long as possible) but sadly the video is off with the audio so it's a bit too odd watching it.

If you enjoy, please comment on my blog, do not AIM me that you liked it. You know who you are.

1 comment:

Esther said...


okay fine. i liked it. in fact, i listened to it three more times.
