Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Music Wednesdays (and probably other days)

As long as this blog exists, its main sorta purpose is to spread those sweet, mood changing audible melodies around the globe internet two people who read this. I will try to focus on either upcoming bands or bands that time has forgotting, focusing on the more alt rock/indie side, but sometimes straying into punk or metal or folk, whatever is really on my playlist that I can say "oh sheit that kid who reads may read my blog may enjoy!" While I do enjoy music on the opposite ends of the spectrum, like rap and country, I am not going to know about them before you. If any inner city black youth or rednecks don't know a group that I do, SHAME ON YOU!

Anyway, my first band I present to you is the HOLD STEADY:

I was originally going to go with the Mountain Goats, but Hold Steady's popularity is gaining incredibly fast and I felt that if I didn't post this link today, everyone might already know about them tomorrow.

A Brooklyn-based alternative rock band formed in 2003, this five member (guitar, bass, piano, drummer, guitar/vocals) has already produced four albums. Sort of a cross between Bruce Springsteen and Elliot Smith, the Hold Steady have a very classic rock feel to them (You Can Make Him Like You, You Little Hoodrat friend) but also has a lot of slow, softer sounding songs (First Night, Citrus). Their lyrics are rather deep but incredibly understandable & relatable, and for the exception of their "Separation Sunday" album, pretty straight-forward. Lots of strong riffs and strong piano melodies, this band can attract a more wide range of audiences. They may not have enough kick to be on the radio, but they're great enough that you'll be hearing about them for a long time.

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